A peek into my Finding your Creative Voice E-Course / by Esther Loopstra

I'm so excited that my new Finding Your Creative Voice E-Course is online and helping people to discover their Inner Artist!

I really believe in the power of this course so I wanted to share a little sneak peak into the lessons and what you will get when you sign up. 

  • In the first lesson we learn how to GET INTO OPEN MODE, where we can be receptive to our intuition and listen to the natural creative expression inside of us.
  • We start to observe the world around us and gather inspiration that will give us clues to who our Inner Artist is and a little bit about our Creative Voice.
  • Next, we GET TO KNOW OUR INNER ARTIST through collage exercises.
  • Then, we fill up our well of creative inspiration by FINDING INSPIRATION. We take our Inner Artist on a field trip to explore what inspires us externally.
  • We do some free-writing to explore our internal inspiration. We record our inspiration so that we have it handy when we need it, in this way we can stay in open mode and follow our creative impulses.
  • We learn how the art materials work through PLAY. There is no better way to learn! 
  • And finally I teach you some simple ways to brainstorm and BRING EVERYTHING TOGETHER for a final art piece that comes from a place of your unique style. I'll give you some simple art theory tips that you can use now or later. I give you ideas for creating more intuitively or being more structured and thoughtful. 
  • Plus, you will get printable worksheets for every lesson that will give you a list of the materials, directions to follow and a weekly challenge! You will also get access to a wonderful community on Facebook where you can share your work and get help with any questions you face.

I truly believe that there is nothing out there like this course, it will take you all the way through the creative process while following your intuition and learning what makes you unique! I won't be teaching you to draw or paint just like me - you will be able to get comfortable with your own Creative Voice and let that shine through.

If you have wanted to explore your creativity but haven't known where to start, I think this course will really help you. And if you've been creating for a while and you want to delve deeper into your own Creative Voice, this course will jumpstart you and give you the resources to tune out the negativity and listen to your own soul.

I hope to see you there!