
Free pattern wallpaper download for tablet or phone by Esther Loopstra

Happy New Year! I hope you had a beautiful holiday season and got some rest, relaxation and inspiration! In the spirit of giving, I wanted to share this pattern I made, I created this as a doodle in my sketchbook and just turned into into a pattern for anyone to use on your computer, tablet or phone. Just click on the link, download and upload to your device as a background. If you like it please share. Enjoy!

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Seattle Skyline Promo by Esther Loopstra

I've been working on a new promotional mailing/e-mail to send out.  I like the idea of creating a more personal art piece that distinguishes me.  I decided that it would be fun to create a skyline of Seattle (where I live) and also include some hand written type.

Another reason why I thought that this was a fun idea is because much of my illustration work consists of maps and I also do a lot of hand drawn text.  I've always been drawn to this orange and turquoise combination and most of my website and materials are done with those colors in mind.
