
Seattle Skyline Promo by Esther Loopstra

I've been working on a new promotional mailing/e-mail to send out.  I like the idea of creating a more personal art piece that distinguishes me.  I decided that it would be fun to create a skyline of Seattle (where I live) and also include some hand written type.

Another reason why I thought that this was a fun idea is because much of my illustration work consists of maps and I also do a lot of hand drawn text.  I've always been drawn to this orange and turquoise combination and most of my website and materials are done with those colors in mind.


featured in fall issue of N.E.E.T. by Esther Loopstra

Hi all!  I've been very bad about blogging since my move to Seattle....but wanted to let you know that my Stuffed Portabello recipe is being featured in the fall issue of N.E.E.T. magazine.  If you haven't checked out N.E.E.T., it's a super cool online indie mag.  They are featuring some of the artists from Salli and Nate's blog theydrawandcook.  You have to flip through to page 246 to see our illustrations but it's a terrific issue- have fun! Thanks Stephanie!

Hand Lettering Inspiration by Esther Loopstra

Trying to decide where this years winter escape will be....last year was Costa Rica. Here are a few hand painted signs I took pictures of on our trip.


I can definitely relate to this "before you eat, after you eat"situation.


"Much Muscle Gym "has a Facebook fan page here!


I love everything about this photo from the colors to the lightening font to the jaguar mural.