Sharing my Creative Process on the Adobe Creative Cloud Blog / by Esther Loopstra

This summer I was featured on the Adobe Creative Cloud blog! In the article I talk about the creative process and how to make the most out of your spontaneous inspiration by using Adobe Capture app!  Read the post here. 

Awhile back, as you may remember, I had created my first tutorial because I was really loving using the new Adobe Capture App in my work flow. This is an app which allows you to take your sketches or drawings and create vector images of them. You can also create color palettes and brushes. It's really fun and easy to use!

I posted the short tutorial video on YouTube and Liz Alton who writes for Adobe found it and asked me to co-author this article. She interviewed me about my creative process and how I use the app in my work.

I also talk a bit about being in the moment and observing the world around you. As you are in the moment, inspiration is allowed to flow and you are not hindered by your inner critic. The thing that's great about this app, is that it allows you to capture that inspiration and then work with it later. 

Allowing yourself to have time to play, observe and wonder is an essential part of the creative process. You can then, use your logical mind to critique your work later on. I love that Adobe has created a way to be able to "capture" those moments of imagination while they are happening. I hope you enjoy the article!