Finding Balance
Over the past few weeks, I've been trying to regain some balance in my life. Sometimes I get so focussed and overwhelmed by my to do list that it feels like I am constantly in my logical mind. This gives my authentic, intuitive, creative side very little space to enjoy life and be present. It's a constant journey for me to find that magical balance between doing and being.
What does finding balance look like for me?
- Pulling back from social media a bit to reconsider what I am posting and why.
- Taking time to listen to what I need first, instead of going directly to the to-do list in a manic need to get everything done.
- Thinking about what is essential in my life and what I most need to do. What are the things that I feel like I need to do but I can really cut back on?
- Re-filling my creative well by finding other creative people who can speak to what I'm going through.
Are you dealing with similar issues?
I thought it might be helpful to share with you some of the things that I'm reading and listening to that have helped me restore balance. Here are a few of my favorites:
Brene Brown on the Being Boss podcast, sharing about vulnerability for creatives
Lisa Congdon talks freely on her blog about how she is recovering from burnout.
At Left Brain turn Right - Anthony Meindl's book on how to live a more creative life
The Creative Life podcast - James Taylor's podcast in which he interviews creative entrepreneurs
Gather the People - A book by Sarah J. Bray where she shares a simple, honest approach to creating work
I am not hustling and I am not crushing it - Kerry-Anne Gilowey talks about how to deal with chronic physical issues or other things in life that challenge our idea of perfectionism
Stepping back a bit has given me some time to come up with new ideas for classes and projects. Stay tuned in the coming weeks, when I will have some exciting things to share with you!